Right now
I'm about to make some last minute shopping for pressies... I really hope it's not insane out there in the malls! Thank God I did half of my shopping on-line in the beginning of November.
I am looking forward to two Christmas feasts this week, one at my lovely in-laws and one hosted by me - for the first time! Its going to be fun! I'll make sure I share photos with you all.
My camera lens is not communicating with my camera (most of the time), after many attempts to dry and wet clean it, I may have to buy a good simple point and shoot camera to get me through the holiday season, before I'm in any position to fix or buy a new Canon!
Next week I will be on Holiday in some part of the North Island, planned by my husband who wants to surprise me. But that plan didn't work when the property manager called to confirm his booking at such and such place with me! I laughed! ...at least he tried, and there's actually a second destination too.
In 2012
When I get back from holiday I will have three weeks to pack every single little thing inside my home for the big move. Still don't know where we are moving to - oh boy! But there are two main reasons why we have to move. Change of lifestyle and we want more for our money, Auckland is an expensive place to own a home at the moment. Some of you have asked why all of sudden, especially after doing the place up finally. Well the idea of selling our house motivated us to get the place finished and styled, in hope of getting a better price and it worked! We got an offer the day after it was listed with the agent (actually we ended up with two offers before it went unconditional!), a real answer to our prayers! Thanks to those for encouraging me to be brave with the move.
Some of you may have noticed why I was selling my new release scrapbook collections on here, and may have suspected a change of stores. You're right to suspect that! I left Twopeas In A Bucket a while ago, due to the fact they concentrate a whole lot more on the traditional side of scrapbooking, and with that came a few disadvantages for me with the promoting and marketing side. I am still thankful for making the move there a couple of years ago though, because it sure opened up a few doors for me, and the people there are lovely. I am now in the position to run my own store and a number of facts have helped me see that this is the best solution for me. So there's something to look forward to! & watch out for some cool collaborations too!
Oh and there's another store launching in January too! Giving you the chance to own a Vinnie Pearce product. The name, the site and date will all be revealed at a later date (sorry for teasing - but you know me). If you are a retailer and would like to check out samples of my products, please visit my booth(5052) at the -
4 - 6th March 2012
ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane
Wow - that's a lot to fit into for the next two months! I didn't even mention my weight-loss goals and my growing desire to scrapbook more! I'm sad to say that I have lost focus on both! I am hoping after January I can refocus on these areas again.
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