Its all about inspiring YOU - with what inspires me!
I chose the word Flare because, of the definition: to start up or burst out in sudden, fierce activity & passion
Plus it sounds really cool and it starts with F to go with Freebie heehee!
No seriously though, I know what its like when you loose your mojo through the busy week and sometimes you just need a short spark to get you started in your creative process... and a little freebie too!
So here's the first post, I hope it causes you to burst into your designs!

I love the high contrast image used, the tiny little arrow, well balanced negative space and the way the title has been done.
This is how my page turned out by using the design elements above:
The patterned paper is Jesse Edwards, everything else is included with your freebie. (minus the little legs photo)
Here's another one that inspired me -
The golden hour, by ArtPeaGracie
I love the composition, the white space, the handwriting... everything really!
Here's how my page turned out -
Everything from the Journey Back Collection
So thats it! I'll add a Flare Friday link soon to the nav bar so you can always visit if you miss a weeks worth or something. Now go create!
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